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Around the world - with «Slakon»

18 февраля 2014

Winners of the contest "Around the World - with" Slakon "was held in the company's headquarters , where the finalists were invited to a festive tea. Gathering contestants roundtable CEO " Slakon " Oleg Leontiev treated them branded confectionery and spoke about the intricacies of producing tasty products . The main secret of " Slakon " is to use natural ingredients , original recipes and modern confectionery equipment . "For example , the company installed a new Japanese equipment that works only with natural products . Representatives of the Japanese side twice a year visit the production site in Shadrinsk Kurgan region , process control , "- said Oleg Leontiev .
On the results of the contest were invited eight finalists. With pleasure tasted the goodies from " Slakon " - Pancake , cookies, crackers , cakes - they emphasized that they were pleasantly surprised by the invitation to the award ceremony .
"We asked chelyabintsev share experiences and emotions summer travel, new countries , dating and discoveries. The competition was attended by over 300 people . Evaluate the photographs was nice - many participants bright, unusual view of the world . " Slakon " thank everyone who sent in pictures for the contest. We invited the winners to us - to receive gifts for the most wonderful summer photos "- said Oleg Leontiev .
After the presentation of incentive prizes - sweet products from " Slakon " and mega- waffles - authors of three best works rewarded Tablet PC iPad.
The winners are :
Svetlana Kedina - in the category " Tourism Abroad" photo " passionate kiss "

Maria Borodin - in the category " Tourism in Russia" photo " Brave kid" :

Elena Whip - in the nomination " The most hilarious moment of the summer " and her photo " Family shot ."

Maria Borodin , sharing experiences , said that she and her nephews are fans of the product " Slakon " Pancake and especially that the company produces only in Russia , and a unique recipe .
" Our company is constantly conducting various contests and promotions . Therefore, we invite all to participate in our events and win , "- said Oleg Leontiev . Factory " Slakon " congratulates the winners . Ahead of new festivals , contests and promotions . Good mood from " Slakon " continues!

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